Summary: Find external hard drive not showing up windows 10? And you don’t know what to do? This article will focus on how to fix external hard drive not showing up and guide you to recover data from the inaccessible external hard drive.
There is various OS available online and the latest for Windows is Windows 10
When you own a Windows 10 computer or laptop, the experience can be exciting and fun because it comes with new cool features that make your life easier especially when you use a computer daily for work or business.
However, it is not a perfect experience all the time, since there are problems that may occur or arise while you are using your computer or laptop on a daily basis.
For example, driver problems and other devices may not work or be recognized by the computer itself. One issue that may happen is when the external hard drive not showing up windows 10.
Reasons why the external hard drive not showing up Windows 10, 8, 7
When you use an external hard drive in different computers with a previous OS and it was previously working, a problem or issue may arise when Windows 10 not detect it or it is not showing up.
There is a possibility that something wrong with the driver software, it could be broken or outdated and you to update it by downloading the new driver software online.
A quick fix when external hard drive not showing up or detected by windows 10
This is the easiest solution that will help fix external hard drive not showing up windows 10.
If your computer is not working and there is a problem for the PC or laptop to detect and display the external hard drive. There is no need for you to worry.
This simple fix will help you resolve the problem.
Check the USB port, cable, and the connection if it is working properly
- Try to change the USB port or cable. You might also want to check the connection if it is working properly.
- Check the USB cable if it is working or not. If not, you can change it and try again.
- Try other USB ports to see if the PC or computer is able to detect your external hard drive.
- Check if the external hard drive is working with other computers, if possible. So you can check if it can detect and read the external hard drive or not.
Check if your external hard drive can be recognized or detected in Disk Management
Step 1. Check Disk Management if your external hard drive can be detected.
Step 2. When the hard drive is not showing up in the disk management or computer, try these methods for the PC to recognize and detect it again.
- Search “This PC” on the search menu.
2. Right-click “This PC” to see the options. Then click “Properties”.
3. Click Device manager.
4. Click Universal Serial Bus controllers.
5. Right-click the Generic USB hub. Then click the option update driver.
6. Click the option “Search automatically for updated driver software”. Windows will then search online for the latest driver software. Wait for it to load the result and then you can click install.
When you have finished installing it, a window will show that the best drivers for the device are already installed.
If the following solutions above do not offer any fix when the external hard drive not showing up windows 10. You can try these other two solutions below.
Troubleshoot the computer or laptop
- You can troubleshoot your PC. In the search box, type “troubleshoot” and search and open it.
- Click on the option “Hardware and Devices”. This option will find and fix problems with devices or hardware. It can solve the problem when an external hard drive cannot be detected, recognized or showing up when used in Windows 10.
- After you click “Hardware and Devices”, click the “Run the troubleshooter”. This will detect any problems related to the driver software, hardware, etc.
- After the scanning, the system will list all of the fixes for you. You can click apply this fix.
- Click next to restart your pc. Restart your PC so you can finish installing the driver software and other updates related to the hard drive and other devices.
The fix will help resolve the issues about the hard drive and other devices, especially if the external hard drive is not showing up or recognized in Windows 10.
Check this solution when the external hard drive not showing up Windows 10
Update the driver, check for software updates
- Update the driver manually – First, go to the search box and type “Device Manager”.
Then you can click the device manager to open the options.
- Click the option “Disk drives”. It will open up all the disk drives found in the PC.
- When your external hard drive shows up. Right-click and you can find an option to update the driver. Click the update the driver option and wait for your PC to update the driver software.
- After the driver updated, click the drive and it will show that the device is now working properly.
Recover Data with Free Data Recovery Software
Free Data Recovery Software – Bitwar Data Recovery is the most useful tool for users to recover data whenever they are finding the error of the external hard drive not showing up, you can simply check here to get more on how to recover data from external hard disk. The easy-to-use software interface contains the step-to-step tooltips that any newbie users can use it without any obstacles.
Read More? Please visit: Quick Fix for External Hard Drive not Showing up Windows 10